Sunday 13 May 2012

Installing Backup tool on ubuntu


Step 1: Install luckybackup in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install luckybackup

Step 2: Add these line

Edit /etc/apt/sources.list file
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add these lines
deb lucid main
deb-src lucid main
Save and exit the file
Step 3: Install GPG key

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 62E44DBB
gpg --export 62E44DBB -a | sudo apt-key add -

Step 4: Update the source list using the following command

sudo apt-get update

Step 5: Install luckybackup using the following command

sudo apt-get install luckybackup


You can open luckybackup from Applications--->Accessories--->luckyBackup
Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen It consists of :
A menu
A toolbar that refers to current profile handling.
The Task List which lists all the available tasks of the current profile.
Three buttons that refer to specific task handling (add – remove – modify).
A start button and a simulation check-box. You can start the execution of all the tasks included in a profile by using these.
An information window.
An exit button. Pressing this, will quit luckyBackup.

Following Features can Perform:

Scheduling for execution of already created profiles via cronjobs is supported.

Remote connection
Remote connections are possible, either for use as a source or as a destination.
SSH connection Required

Command line mode
luckyBackup can run in command line if you wish not to use the gui, but you have to first create the profile that is going to be executed.
Type "luckybackup --help" at a terminal to see usage and supported options.

After all tasks execution, a logfile is created in your home folder. You can have a look at it any time you want.
A handy logviewer that displays errors in red and has next/previous buttons, is also provided.


Create multiple backup "snapshots".

More Information:

And more features that is mentioned on help menu of luckbackup tool(press F1 key)

Link refer:

Installing Jmeter on ubuntu

Installing JMeter

JMeter provides a GUI for test building, allowing you to create various elements in a tree to craft complex load tests that handle a wide variety of different scenarios
Installation is typically quite easy. On Ubuntu, you can install it with apt-get.
$ sudo apt-get install jmeter

or Download and install the JMeter

Open Jmeter (bin/ on Linux)

Configuration :

Add (via right click) a Thread group to the Test Plan
Add a Non Test Element > HTTP Proxy Server to the Workbench
Open the HTTP Proxy Server Page and change the port if required

Set the Target Controller to Test Plan > Thread Group on the same page

Configure your browser (Firefox!) to use the Proxy Server (it's localhost)

Press Start at the bottom of the page

Now, JMeter will record all the HTTP requests your browser makes,so make sure you have closed all the other tabs you have open,
 otherwise you will get a mixture of Ad's and ajax requests recorded as well.


Basic understanding of Jmeter
  1. Introduction to different elements of a JMeter Test Plan.
  2. Difference between real world and JMeter world while doing a web request.
  3. Workflow of a typical web server request and response.
  4. JMeter's role in a web testing work flow.
Let us take a view at how a request for web page is sent to the Web server from a User's browser, and how a web page is finally displayed.  Understanding this workflow will give us opportunity to imagine how JMeter fits in this workflow and how it can do same thing as a browser does.

Now introducing Apache JMeter into the picture. The actions taken by the User are no longer required.  The User action trigger some HTTP requests which are recorded in a JMeter HTTP Request Sampler for multiple uses.

See how JMetr replaces a browser, but how the working is a little different.

So what makes one User transaction in terms of JMeter?  

When we add a HTTP Request Sampler in JMeter Test plan it stores one Web Page calling and receiving sequence.  We can call this as a single user transaction.  As soon as we tell this to JMeter it is capable of doing the same thing any number of times.  It also does this multiple times simultaneously.

As JMeter is not exactly a browser the HTTP Request Sampler makes all the received data available for further analysis.  We use View Tree Listener for actually visualizing the received response.  View Tree Listener is a good way to know what request was sent, what was the response and the result of the transaction.

When JMeter simulates multiple users by making the same call multiple times, in different operating system threads (we can say execution paths) that time more analytical data is available.  The Summary Report Listener can show us the additional calculated data line Minimum time and Maximum time taken to receive the response.  It also calculates the average time taken using all the results together.

So we have seen that for web site testing we need many items like
  1. HTTP Request Sampler
  2. View Tree Listener
  3. Summary Report Listener
To use these items provided by JMeter we will also need items like

  1. Test Plan and
  2. Thread Group
For some advanced user transactions and logical conditions there are Controllers.  Once we learn how to combine these elements we are ready to write our first Test Plan in JMeter.

Yes initially this may seem like a lot of jargon.  Eventually we will get used to these elements and then testing will be a piece of cake.  Ok, let us re-visit what they all mean in JMeter world.

We will write our first Test Plan step by step in the next article but let us first get introduced formally with the different elements we have seen till now.

Now we know some elements which will be used in creation of a Test Plan in JMeter.  It will be worthwhile checking the difference between real world transactions and the transactions that happen in JMeter world.  Is there one to one mapping between actions performed in real world and while executing a JMeter test plan?

Refer a video tutorial

Installing Testlink on ubuntu

1. Get source from

2. Extract the file and mv to /var/www
sudo cp -r testlink_1_9_RC1 /var/www/
Rename the dir to testlink (Optional, just affect the URL)

3. Install MySQL,PHP5, and related mod
sudo apt-get install mysql-server php5 php5-mysql php5-gd

4. Install Apache2
sudo apt-get install apache2
Edit httpd.conf in apache
sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Restart apache server
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

5. Install with web installer.
Just follow the instructions.

6. Finish the installation
Reload the page again and login as admin (pwd = admin)
Change admin's passwd in "Personal" page
Remove install/ in var/www/testlink
Edit config
sudo vi /var/www/testlink/
Turn off the warning message:
mode = 'SILENT';
Enable API Key:
$tlCfg->api->enabled = TRUE;
In this way, there will be a "Generate a new key" button in "Personal" page